Clinical chemistry

Clinical chemistry is the cornerstone
of human and veterinary medicine

With the support of the Scottish aquaculture industry, WellFish Tech have re-purposed human/veterinary high throughput medical technology for use on fish blood to enable rapid clinical chemistry centred health assessment, based on the continuous sampling of fish stock, similar to that used in other livestock based agriculture.

The research is already making an impact on how we assess fish health and has the potential to significantly change how we approach fish health in the salmon industry (both in Scotland and internationally) in the future.

Ralph Bickerdike Ph.D., Head of Fish Health & Welfare, Scottish Sea Farms

Fish health assessment

Our substantial clinical chemistry database for >35 biomarkers measured in thousands of salmon and trout samples, including a 12-month sampling plan from a ‘control’ site to establish site-specific levels enables us to offer unique clinical interpretation of clinical chemistry biomarker results. The WellFish Tech clinical chemistry biomarker profiles include:

  • Gill & osmoregulatory function
  • Cardiac & muscle function
  • Liver, kidney & pancreatic function
  • Mineral profile
  • Freshwater / smoltification
  • Lipid profile
  • Immunology

The Problem

The dependence of aquaculture on slow, lethal, histology-based methods to assess fish health.

The Solution

Continuous fish health monitoring of representative fish numbers using non-lethal clinical chemistry with interpreted results presented with 24h facilitating data-driven husbandry decisions.