Toxicity assessment

Providing additional value and more specific impact assessment.

Maximise data

Fish are commonly used for toxicity assessment of novel chemicals / pharmaceuticals by experimental facilities. WellFish Tech do not undertake toxicity assessment on fish. However, where such assessment is being undertaken, clinical chemistry can help maximise the data generated by these experiments by the addition of new and more specific endpoints, providing additional value.

WellFish Tech offer a wide range of clinical chemistry endpoints to choose from, depending on the impact to be assessed.

The WellFish Tech clinical chemistry biomarker profiles include:

  • Gill & Osmoregulatory Function
  • Cardiac & Muscle Function
  • Liver, Kidney & Pancreatic Function
  • Mineral Profile
  • Freshwater / Smoltification
  • Lipid Profile
  • Immunology

This list is frequently updated as we are constantly testing and developing new endpoints.